Sunday, 23 August 2009

Bacon. Modena Sauce. D.I.Y. Cookbook.

Blog Post: 100 Ways to Use a Strip of Bacon (via Serious Eats)

I steadfastly refuse to stop eating it in every form imaginable. So to celebrate the endless survival of bacon, I’ve compiled this handy chart of 100 Ways to Use a Strip of Bacon.

Blog Post & Recipe: Salsina modenese

Scroll down to read the English version.

This sauce is an old recipe posted by Silvietta on Cookaround forum years ago. I have always appreciated it and prepared every Summer when vegetables are fresh and so inviting! [...] It goes well either with grilled, boiled or stewed meat or fish, it's nice and tasty with cheese and ham, it's an excellent ingredient for toasted bread ...

Article: Creating Your Own Recipe Book

Customized cookbook publishers have existed for years, but most have a large minimum number of orders and are best bets for fund-raising events. Today, a crop of publishers let home chefs inexpensively design and create a single book online for their personal use.

We tried four such services. Two of them, TasteBook and Create My Cookbook, only publish cookbooks. By contrast, Blurb and Bookemon are able to produce any type of book.

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