Sunday, 27 June 2010

Kohlrabi Salad / What is a Wholegrain? / Cooking with Herbs, Tough Asparagus, a Porridge Pan

Blog Post & Recipes: Fearn Smith's Kohlrabi Salad

The fennel seed and the sesame oil combine to mysterious effect: as you crunch your way through the salad, you keep asking yourself, "what's in this thing?"

Blog Post: What is a Wholegrain?

Grains have several different layers and components ... All these components have nutritional benefits and all these components are present in wholegrain foods.

Recipe: Food for Fort: Cooking with herbs, tough asparagus and a pan for porridge

If you want whatever it is you're cooking – a stew, sauce, daube or stock – to taste of a specific herb, then always add it at the end, after you've taken the simmering liquid off the hob. Let it cool for a minute, then add the herbs.

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