Saturday, 12 June 2010

Cakes That Look like Meat / Mapo Doufu / Three Hungarian Recipes

Blog Post: Cakes that look like meat

The OC Weekly has scoured Flickr for proud bakers' photos of their convincingly meat-like cakes and confections, assembling the best in a gallery called "Food Disguised As Other Food."

Blog Post & Recipe: How to Fall in Love With Sichuan Food: Mapo Doufu

It's a mixture of tofu, ground meat, and chile bean paste suspended in a bright red and dangerously spicy sauce. The first bite knocks you over with heat, and then this strange numbing sensation takes over your brain and cools you down.

Blog Post & Recipes: Lunches with Kati: Learning to love Hungarian food

Practically every Hungarian kitchen has a walk-in pantry, and Hungarians are zealous canners during the summer, lining their pantry shelves with goodies to eat during the long winter months when root vegetables dominate the markets.

Featured recipes: Paprikás Csirke (Paprika Chicken) ... Galuska (Spaetzle) ... Uborkasalata (Cucumber Salad)

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