Friday, 2 April 2010

Roasted Rhubarb / Peeps Sushi / Edible Flowers

Blog Post & Recipe: A lot of rhubarb

I am pleased to announce that this spring, my allegiance lies in a pot of roasted rhubarb with white wine and vanilla bean. Eaten cold, ideally.

Roasted Rhubarb

Blog Post & Recipe: How to Make Peepshi = Peeps Sushi

5. Take a Peep head and tuck it into the top of the hollow Rice Krispies treat cylinder. Use a toothpick or tip of the a knife to help get it snug.

Article: Edible flowers? Blooming delicious!

"I love a baked potato with butter, scattered with marigold petals. The flower has a little bit of heat, but it has a very gentle, subtle flavour – I love it mainly for the colour. All roses are edible, but the useful ones are the scented ones, because it's the scent that translates into taste."

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