Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Radish Salsa / Considering Scotch Eggs / Mushroom Soup

Recipe: Radishes make tasty salsa

This is one salsa that's going to be my summer staple, no matter what's on fire.

Radish salsa

Blog Post: Consider the scotch egg [blog post contains links to recipes -- see the comments below the post for more]

Extraordinary things. In the past, they went from rich man's caprice to Victorian savoury. Now they inhabit a strange hinterland between pubby ubiquity and zhooshed-up gastro cliche.

Blog Post & Recipe: Mushroom Soup

I am into roux these days. It creates beautifully silky, shiny and flavourful soups and gravy. My guides are Bittman’s gumbo video and Alton Brown’s Gravy Confidential. I know… roux is basically flour suspended in fat but I’m not the kind who cares.

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