Monday, 5 April 2010

Forest Gardening / Seared Scallops with Lime & Miso Dressing on Avocado Purée / Milk Mayonnaise

Article: Gardens: Forest gumption

Forest gardening is not about size, he says; it's a style of growing. "The point is to grow useful plants, particularly edibles." And the key to doing that is planting upwards, in vertical layers.

Blog Post & Recipe: Seared scallops with lime & miso dressing on avocado purée

We enjoyed this with sourdough baguette, but I was really craving another accompaniment which would have been perfect: I had it a little while ago at Zuma, where they serve an absolutely amazing tuna & salmon tartare with lotus chips and that addictive sheet of a prawn cracker with seaweed

Blog Post & Recipes: The Secrets and Science Behind Milk Mayonnaise

When these culinary opposites—milk and oil—are thrown together, they act a lot like warring spouses, which makes their participation in the creation of Portuguese maionese de leite (may-o-NEZ duh late), or milk mayonnaise, all the more amazing.

Milk Mayonnaise ... Variations: Cilantro and Ginger Mayonnaise, Anchovy Mayonnaise, Curry Mayonnaise, Tomato Mayonnaise

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