Saturday, 14 January 2012

Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup / Lemongrass Chai Tea / 3 Surf-Club Meals

Blog Post & Recipe: Philadelphia pepper pot: the soup that won the American Revolution?

But true, tripey pepper pot has dwindled in popularity, and is now merely a curio in a few Philadelphia restaurants. The famous City Tavern sells a West Indian version on its lunch menu which reportedly does neglects tripe altogether.

Blog Post & Recipe: Lemongrass Chai Tea

If you had asked me about 6 months back if I would use lemongrass in tea I would have probably thought it was some strange Thai fusion version of tea. I didn't know then, that I had been having lemon grass tea for years only I knew it as "Chai Patta"

Article & Recipes: Surf-club cuisine

An ''oarsome'' (thanks for the title, Noosa Surf Club) prawn salad makes an easy-breezy lunch, with its freshly cooked prawns, avocado, radish and leaves drizzled with creamy green goddess dressing. Then there's a towering surf-and-turf burger that tops juicy chorizo and beef burger meat with crumbed calamari rings, beetroot, lettuce and tomato that's just plain surftastic.

Surf and turf beach burger ... Oarsome prawn salad with green goddess dressing ... Breakfast bruschetta

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