Saturday, 18 December 2010

Kai Pa-low / Lima Bean Stew / Braised Leg of Lamb With Olives & Celery Root Purée

Blog Post & Recipe: stewed chicken, pork belly, tofu & egg with 5 spices

Sprinkle with chopped fresh coriander leaves. Serve hot with a cup of steamed whole-grain rice.

Blog Post & Recipe: Christmas Lima Bean Stew Recipe

If you ignore everything else I write about today, pay attention to this. You can't skip out on the toppings. Please, just trust me on this one. The chopped black olives and fresh lemon wedges for squeezing are key.

Article & Recipe: Seven-Hour Lamb, in About Five

I chatted with a chef friend about what to make for Christmas Eve dinner. He suggested seven-hour leg of lamb ... He went on to explain that the recipe was originally devised for animals that were older, larger and tougher than today’s little lambs. With modern meat, he said, four to five hours is plenty.

Braised Leg of Lamb With Olives and Celery Root Purée

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