Thursday, 24 May 2007

Tzatziki. Parsley Soup. Cauliflower. Lamb Stew.

Recipe: Tzatziki.

Recipe: Parsley Soup.

Article/Recipe: Fresh From The Garden: The cauliflower clan is chock full of flavor and benefits.

Includes recipes for: purple cauliflower with rainbow carrots, roasted cauliflower and broccoflower with cherry tomatoes, steamed romanesco broccoli, and lemon dressing.

Like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower can get bitter if overcooked, so unless you are pan roasting it (which sweetens the flavor), keep cooking times brief and serve these tasty vegetables tender-crisp.

Recipe: A bit of all white.

More cauliflower recipes.

Article/Recipe: Use low heat for a tender lamb stew.

Includes a recipe for Braised Eastern Mediterranean Lamb With New Vegetables.

Dear Lynne: Call me a clueless new cook, but what is the difference between "boil" and "simmer"? Why do you do either, and would it be a big deal if I boiled instead of simmered?

New to the Kitchen

Dear New to the Kitchen: The quick answer to the difference is temperature. When water boils at sea level ...

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