Sunday, 27 May 2007

Two Cookbooks

Recipe: THE FORME OF CURY, A ROLL OF ANCIENT ENGLISH COOKERY. Compiled, about A.D. 1390, by the Master-Cooks of King RICHARD II, Presented afterwards to Queen ELIZABETH, by EDWARD Lord STAFFORD, And now in the Possession of GUSTAVUS BRANDER, Esq.

Tak a mallard and pul hym drye and swyng over the fyre draw hym but lat hym touche no water and hew hym in gobettys and do hym in a pot of clene water boyle hem wel and tak onyons and boyle and bred and pepyr and grynd togedere and draw thorw a cloth temper wyth wyn and boyle yt and serve yt forth.

Recipe: 365 Foreign Dishes. A Foreign Dish for every day in the year.

25.—Japanese Eggs.

Cook some rice in a rich chicken stock; place on a platter. Fry 6 eggs and trim neatly; sprinkle with salt, black pepper, chopped parsley and lemon-juice. Put the eggs on the rice and pour a little hot tomato-sauce over the base of the platter and serve.

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