Article: The Flowers of the Forest.
To make Almond Milke.
Take a rib of Mutton or Veale, or rather a Chicken, boyle it in faire water, put thereto French Barley, a Fennill root, a Parsly root, Violet leaves, Strawberry leaves, and Cinquefoyle leaves, and boyle them all together, till the meat be over boyled, then strayne out the liquor from the rest, while they are boyling blanch a proportion of Almonds answerable to the liquor, beat them well in a clean stone Morter, and then grind them therein with Rose water and Sugar, and when they are well ground put in all your liquor by little and little, and grind with them till they be all well Compounded, and then strayne it into a faire glasse, and use it at your pleasure.
To make Snow.
Take a quart of thick Creame, and five or six whites of Eggs, a sauser full of sugar finely beaten, and as much Rose water, beat them all together, and always as it riseth take it out with a spoon, then take a loaf of Bread, cut away the crust, set it in a platter, and a great Rosemary bush in the middest of it, then lay your Snow with a Spoon upon the Rosemary, and so serve it.
For a paine in the ears, or deafnesse.
Take a hot loafe, of the bignesse of a Bakers penny loaf, and pull or cut it in two in the middest, and lay the middle of the crummy side to the middest, or to the hole of the ear, or ears pained, as hot as they may be endured, and so bind them fast together on all night, and then if you find any pain in either or both ears, or any noyse, put into the pained ear or ears, a drop of Aqua vitæ, in each, and then againe binding more hot bread to them, walk a little while, and after goe to bed; this done three or four dayes together, hath taken away the paine, hearing noyse in the ears, and much eased the deafnesse, and dullnesse of and in many.
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