Thursday 14 May 2009

Micro melons. Shopping a farmers market. Sausages and Green Lentils with Tomato Salsa

Article: 13 strategies for shopping a farmers market

10 Bring cash, "especially ones and $5 bills," Lycan said. "The farmers really appreciate that."

Blog Post & Recipe: Jamie's Sausages and Green Lentils with Tomato Salsa

As someone who lives with a great cook of a husband, I tend to fear making just so-so meals. I'm working on both my skills and my fears, and this recipe is one that has helped me build confidence ... It's a Jamie Oliver recipe ... We recommend mixing this up as desired with various types of sausage (turkey, veggie, whatever you like) and adding a bit more garlic, cinnamon and/or red chillies to taste.

Article: 'Micro melons' 20 times smaller than regular size

No recipe here, just a novelty melon.

The rare Pepquino melon measures just an over inch (3cm) from tip-to-tip but has the identical external pattern and distinctive shape of traditional watermelons ... While it resembles its larger cousins, it has a fresh crisp taste similar to a cucumber and juicy light green flesh.

It can be eaten as a snack or appetiser, like olives, in a summer salad, stir fried or made into a sorbet and teamed with dark chocolate.

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