Saturday 19 March 2011

Corned Beef, Cabbage & Kimchi Burrito / Chicken in a Bread Crust / 3 Braising Recipes

Blog Post & Recipe: Corned Beef, Cabbage and Kimchi Burrito

In addition to the corned beef, this burrito includes cabbage sauteed with bacon, kimchi, which is a spicy fermented cabbage, onion and cilantro relish, melted cheese and some avocado salsa verde (because it's green and it's St. Patrick's Day).

Blog Post & Recipe: Chicken in a Bread Crust

I was going to cook a bread-crusted chicken of my own, using a sourdough crust ... The skin of the chicken was less golden than with the salt crust, which I suspect is more porous, but plenty of juices had collected inside, and the chicken was just as moist and flavorful.

Article & Recipes: Slowly does it: delicious braise recipes

So what are the key things to watch? For most braises the meat is browned before the liquid is added. The caramelisation and 'toasting' produced by frying in fat are essential to the end flavour. But meat won't brown if it is wet or if you crowd the pan, so dry your meat then cook it in batches. Don't use too much fat or you'll end up with an oily dish. If anything burns – garlic or onion or the fat itself – throw it out before adding liquid.

Soy-braised chicken thighs with star anise recipe ... Braised pork with apricots, ginger and lemon thyme recipe ... Braised lamb with squash, lemon and mint recipe

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