Thursday 26 February 2009

Cooking Pasta. Tofu, Tempeh, and Butternut Squash in Peanut Mole

Recipe: Tofu, Tempeh, and Butternut Squash in Slow-Cooked Peanut Mole

I made it this time with what I had in the house: tempeh, frozen tofu, and half of a butternut squash. You can use all or any one of those ingredients or make it with another meat substitute such as seitan, TVP, or sweet potatoes, but I think that frozen tofu tastes best because it absorbs the sauce and has a pleasingly chewy texture.

Article: How Much Water Does Pasta Really Need?

Some time ago, as I emptied a big pot of pasta water into the sink and waited for the fog to lift from my glasses, a simple question occurred to me. Why boil so much more water than pasta actually absorbs, only to pour it down the drain? Couldn’t we cook pasta just as well with much less water and energy?

Nb: I've introduced a new tag for 'gourd vegetables.'

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