Tuesday 17 March 2009

Hamburger Blog. Bourbon Cough Syrup. Colcannon Puffs.

Recipe: Colcannon Puffs

I had a bunch of kale in the fridge that I needed to use up, so my thoughts immediately went to colcannon, the traditional Irish dish of mashed potatoes and cabbage or kale. Then a conversation about potato pancakes got me thinking of the ones my mother used to make with leftover potatoes, and soon I was contemplating colcannon pancakes.

Sometime between cooking the potatoes and adding the seasonings I decided to try baking the colcannon in small balls.

Recipe: Bourbon Cough Syrup for Grownups

It's basically hot bourbon and lemon juice, with a heaping helping of honey. I cut it with a bit of water, too, but that's optional. It's an easy nightcap, steaming and warm, with a stiff shot of booze to put you to sleep, lemon for Vitamin C, and all that sweet honey to make it go down easy.

Blog: A Hamburger Today

A US hamburger blog.

Adam of GrubGrade gives a favorable review of the elk burger from Burger Bar in Roy, Utah: "This was not a dry burger despite my worry, and it had a good 'beefy' taste despite not being beef." Related: Dear AHT: Should I Make Burgers with My Elk Meat?

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